The Friday Fix: Quickly Find Your Ideal Squat Stance

In Friday Fix |

On July 1, 2018

The Problem:

When people first start trying “functional fitness”, various form of squatting will be an absolute guarantee. Rightly so! It’s the sort of movement that translates into activities of daily living and can really help improve quality of life. However, many people don’t know where to put their feet, how wide of a stance to use, or where to point the toes.

The Fix:

Use this “back to forward roll” test to quickly find a solid base from which to squat.

Take a deeper dive into knee position, especially as you reach deeper squat positions with this video.

Full Body Fix

Stop chasing pain and wasting your time! Snag my complete Video Rehab Program The Full Body Fix and take $10 off with a subscriber only coupon and grab my Free Warm Up Manual while you’re at it! I even have a full “Lower Body” Module with 7 different protocols! 

Last modified: July 1, 2018